Get ready for PAW Patrol Live! “Heroes Unite.” This brand-new production is an interactive live stage show, where members of the audience get to be heroes unleashed, helping the pups as honorary members of the pack, while they navigate the globe to make it back to Adventure Bay in the nick of time. Featuring stunning visual effects, captivating storytelling and a vibrant musical score that will have guests dancing in their seats and singing along, this staged extravaganza is jam-packed with action and fun for the whole family!
Become a VIP – Very Important Pup! The VIP package includes a premium seat and exclusive access to a photo opportunity with PAW Patrol characters after the show. Each adult & child (age 1 & up) in a group must have a VIP ticket. Pick up your VIP Packet at the VIP check in prior to the show. Note: VIP characters are subject to change.
Please note: Any child who has celebrated their first birthday must have a paid ticket. Prices are subject to demand and can change at any time.
Tickets range from $27.00 to $117.00 (VIP) and are on sale now at